Aged Oak Beam

Why every home needs a solid oak beam

Have you stumbled upon our website by accident, only to discover our beautiful oak beams? Or are you in two minds as to whether an oak mantel is really going to make much of a difference to the feel of your home?

Well, you’ve come to the right place. We believe that every home needs a solid oak beam. That’s right, every single home can benefit from an ordinary piece of oak. But what makes oak so great, we hear you cry. And why on earth would an oak beam make any real difference to our home? Prepare to be amazed…

Decorated oak beams make a perfect focal point

Walk in to most people’s sitting rooms and the first thing you’re likely to see is a television so big, you’ll wonder if they have to constantly flick their eyes from one side to the other to see the whole programme.

A beautiful fireplace mantel can take your eye away from the big, blank square of a television and to a wonderfully decorated piece of natural, solid oak.

Decorated oak beams aren’t just for Christmas, either. You can decorate to suit the season. Think fake foliage intertwined with fairy lights for winter and mini painted eggs and daffodils for spring.

If you’re looking for design inspiration, why not take a quick peak at what some of our other customers have done?

You’ll be buying something designed to last

Oak has been used throughout history to build everything from ships to homes. So strong and versatile is this wood, that some of your favourite wines may even have been aged in oak barrels.

In the days when we’re becoming much more conscious of the throw-away culture that haunted us during the past few decades, investing in a solid oak beam is spending money on something that you know will last for many, many years. It definitely won’t be thrown in the bin in a week’s time. Indeed, there’s a good chance that the oak beam that you put in your home may well outlive you!

Natural wood makes your home feel cozy

Natural materials, such as oak, can help to make your home feel snug and homely, which is ideal for those long, dark winter nights we’re all currently enduring.

What’s more, natural wood works well in both traditional and more modern homes. Indeed, a piece of aged oak looks amazing when positioned next to slick, white lines and more modern materials.

Plus, as we have a real variety of oak beams on sale, you’re sure to find one that will suit your style.

Have we inspired you to get an oak beam for your home? Order your oak beams by midnight on 10th December for delivery before Christmas.

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