What You Need To Do Before Lighting Your Fire

What You Need To Do Before Lighting Your Fire

It seems like we’ve officially had the last of the summer weather. With the colder months returning, what is better than getting cosy and lighting your fire?

The flames of the fire bring a lovely autumnal feel to your home. If you’ve been thinking already about relighting your fire for the winter months, consider these points to make sure you and your family stay safe when doing so!

Most chimney fires that occurred in the UK happen due to an unswept flue. If you ignore your chimney maintenance you could potentially invalidate your house insurance! You are often unable to make a claim to property damage if there is a lack of maintenance to the property relating to the damage.

It’s easy to keep on top of your chimney maintenance and have a roaring fire this winter. We’d recommend booking in an annual chimney sweep towards the end of summer before you start using it regularly again. This will ensure you are at low risk of any unwanted fires occurring.

We also recommend you use the correct type of fuel for your fire. Wood that is freshly cut may contain lots of water- dry wood is better as it needs to contain less than 17% moisture.

Wet wood releases more pollutants and small particles into the atmosphere as it gives off more smoke than dry wood. You could also create a hazard by burning unseasoned wood. If you’re unsure about what wood you need for your fire or wood burning stove, please don’t hesitate to call us for some advice on 01287 236623. Our tip would be to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations on air flow and fuel loading.

Another tip we recommend is to sweep your chimney! If you’re using wood or coal, the recommendation is to sweep the chimney quarterly when it is in use.

Our final tip would be to stay safe- ensure the fire has died down before you go out of the house or go to bed!

Stoves and fires are there to add heat to your home whilst looking great and keeping you cosy. Just follow the above tips and make sure you’re being safe this winter!

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