How To Keep The Heat In Your Home This Winter

How To Keep The Heat In Your Home This Winter

You have a cosy new stove and it’s finally time to put it on, get a blanket and settle in for the night. However, you don’t want all that heat just to go to waste around the house. Get ready to get settled in for the early evenings with a glass of wine or a hot chocolate with these tips for making sure your house stays warm in the winter. Some of these tips may even help you save some money on your bills too!

Close Your Curtains

It will act as a layer of insulation in your house and keep the cold air from the outside out. Just make sure there are no gaps for the heat to escape from. This also reduces the chance of condensation.

Move Your Furniture

You might think it is useful to have your seat directly in front of the fireplace, but your sofa could be absorbing heat that could be used to heat your home. Let air and heat circulate better be giving it the space to do so!

Exclude Draughts

This seems obvious but we often forget to do it. Cover up all the little gaps that let the heat through in your home when you can. Draught proof your doors, windows and even the cracks in the floor. You can do this with the draught excluders we see everywhere or with rubber seals. Try and do it before it gets to the coldest winter months.

Wrap Up

One of the easiest ways to keep warm… is to wrap up warm! Put the fire on, get your blankets and a cosy jumper and stay warm all winter!

These are just a few tips to keep your house a bit warmer during the winter months, and by excluding all the draughts with the curtains and excluders, you might not have to have the heating or fires on for as long as your entire house will heat up quicker.

Get ready for the winter months before they hit and save money on your bills! Remember to take care of your fire too and give it a good clean before use to make sure you’re fully ready for the colder seasons.

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