Classic Oak Beam Light

How to decorate your room and get it right

As the nights draw in and we’re all spending more time indoors, now is the perfect time to give your home a makeover. If you’re struggling to pick a paint or wondering what colours would work best in your space, we give you some tips on how to successfully decorate your room.


Start with the floor plan

The exciting part of redecorating is browsing magazines and websites for inspiration and picking out colours and materials. Before you get to this stage, it’s essential that you take some time to work out exactly where your big pieces of furniture are going to go.

If you’re redecorating your living room, for example, the most important items are likely to be your sofa/s and your TV. Work out where you will enjoy sitting and if that works with where the plug points are in your room. Think about how the light changes during the day and, if you have a fireplace, whether you can enjoy cosying up in front of a crackling fire in the winter. You may decide that you will move your furniture around according to the season.

Ponder on all of this now, before heading out for your pot of paint.


Make a mood board

At one time only used by interior designers and the rich and famous, most people now make a mood board when undertaking a DIY decorating project.

Mood boards enable you to put all of your colours, textures and patterns in one place and check how they sit together.


Looking for inspiration? Pinterest is a good place to start…

Re-designing a room from scratch can feel daunting. Taking a look at how other people are decorating their homes is a great way to get inspiration for your interior design project.

Here at Traditional Beams, you can also take a peek inside our customers’ homes to get some inspiration. If you would like to achieve a similar look with any of the oak beams or shelves you see in the photos, get in touch and we’ll do our best to advise.

Take screenshots of rooms, colours or items that you like for your mood board. As your mood board starts to fill up, if you find that something doesn’t quite fit with the style you’re going for, remove it. Before you know it, you will have built up a mood board with a cohesive style that you can refer to as you are picking paints and patterns for your new room.

We also have a Pinterest board of our own that you can follow for inspiration!

As always, we’d love to see your photos of the finished room and if your space looks extra special, you could find your room on our wall of inspiration in the not too distant future.

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