Enhance Your Office Space With Oak

Enhance Your Office Space With Oak

More people than ever are choosing to work from home which makes having a home office pretty important. There’s not a lot you can do about the corporate pod you work in but the beauty of self-employment is that you can build a workspace you actually look forward to working in. Here are some things to consider when creating yours.


First thing’s first, it’s important to consider flooring. Your office floor is likely to take a lot of wear and tear – deliveries, spilt coffees and pacing feet are just some of the things that are sure to leave their mark! That’s why you need to make sure the flooring you opt for can handle it. Choosing to go with something like Engineered Oak Flooring which is incredibly durable is essential for a space like this. It’s also a classic look that goes with any interior. You could always think about adding a rug to protect it for peace of mind too. It’ll help to soften the overall look.


Arguably the most important factor to take into consideration is your office furniture. Of course the chair and the desk you sit at need to be comfortable so think about things like the height and the angle of your back to make sure you’ll be comfortable for a full 8 hours. If you’ve got the space you could think about adding a reading chair and side table like this one. It’ll make your room look less like an office and more like a part of your home, plus you’ll be creating a perfect quiet corner to take a break from your screen in.



Storage is important in any office space. From files to stationery, you’re going to need somewhere to store your essentials and stacking things on shelves is not only a practical solution, it’ll add an element of interest and dimension to your room that a plain white wall wouldn’t too. Your desk is also important here though. Drawers are a necessity for things you don’t want to display and you can use the surface for things like pen pots to keep things tidy.




Practicality is of course essential but it’s also got to be a space that’s visually pleasing. Plants, candles and photo frames are all great examples of things you can use to decorate your office space that’ll make it feel much more personal and pleasant to be in. It is after all a room in your house not a stuffy corporate office and it needs to look and feel like one. Blinds or curtains are other things to take into consideration when it comes to accessorising. Try to tie them together with the colours and textures in the rest of the room.

There you have it, our recipe for the perfect home office. Do you work from home? What’s your favourite part of your office?

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