Oak Mantels

5 reasons why every home should have an oak mantel

A house isn’t a home without an oak mantel. OK, so we’re a little biased, but you’ll be amazed at the difference you can make, just by adding one simple item.

1) Natural wood can help to ‘soften’ a room

When you’re trying to make your living space more welcoming and warm, you may add a rug, a throw or some extra cushions. While all these items do help to make a space feel more cozy, solid oak mantels can do the job just as well, if not better.

Placing an oak mantel above your fireplace can help to soften what is normally a hard, angular space. This creates a feeling of coziness and warmth. Still not sure? Take a look at some photos of oak mantels in situ.

2) Use oak mantels to add character

There’s nothing more characterful than a piece of natural wood. Whether your house is a few years old or a few hundred years old, you can use an oak mantel to add additional character to a room.

3) Create a seasonal display on your oak mantel

When we’re locked down in our homes, it’s all too easy to let the seasons pass by without comment. Decorating your oak mantel for the time of year, can help you to feel more connected to the world outside.

Right now, spring has well and truly sprung, so why not take this opportunity to decorate your oak mantel with seasonal flowers. Tulips are a great choice to cheer up a room, but if you can’t get your hands on real tulips, you can order fake flowers online which are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

4) You’re buying something which will last

Oak is a hard wood, meaning that it is tough and long-lasting. In fact, oak gets stronger as it ages and it’s been used for everything from building boats to houses.

In times when everything seems so unsettled and unsure, there’s something comforting about buying an item which you know could last hundreds of years.

5) There’s an oak mantel to suit every style

Our oak mantels come in a range of different styles and finishes, meaning that there’s one to suit every home and taste. If you live in a modern house, you could pick a more modern, smooth style, like our classic oak mantel. Alternatively, you could create a contrast by installing a rustic aged oak beam. The same goes if you live in an older property. There’s is no right or wrong, it’s all down to personal taste and the effect you’re trying to create!

With many of us spending more time at home than ever before, ensuring that we have a comfortable space, which we enjoy spending time in, is more important than ever.

Until next time, stay safe!

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