How To Decorate Your Shelves For Autumn 2022

How To Decorate Your Shelves For Autumn 2022

Shelves are so much more than extra storage on an otherwise unused wall.

Decorating your shelves for the season ahead is a really simple way bring a whole new feel to a room and to make the space feel cosy and loved. In this article, we’ll give you inspiration on how to adorn your shelving with the most up-to-date design trends for the season.

Give your shelves a 70s feel

The 1970s-style interior design trend which we have seen creeping in over the past few years, is more popular than ever this autumn. Think earthy tones and natural materials.

Talking of natural materials, our oak and pine shelves look particularly stunning in a 70s inspired kitchen. Focus on creating a fun mix of textures and patterns and you can’t go far wrong. 1970s design was all about being free-spirited, so let your imagination run wild.

To achieve this look, add a range of different types of houseplants to your shelves - some with upright leaves and some with leaves which hang down below the shelf - then intersperse these with items in the typical 70s colours of yellow, burnt orange and green.


Neutral interiors

If lots of busyness and colour isn’t for you, this autumn’s trend of keeping colours natural and neutral is a great alternative.

Stick to a limited colour palette with light shades of brown which will make you feel cosy during the evening and warm during the day. Clutter is the enemy of this design trend, so less really is more.

Choose a small selection of vases, candles and any other items you fancy in a natural colour palette. Place these sparingly on your shelves, with plenty of space between items and groups of items.


Nature-inspired shelves

Houseplants and greenery are still a big trend in autumn 2022. Not only do they look great, houseplants could even help to improve your health by improving the air quality in your home. So, as long as you’re happy to look after them (some require more care than others, so make sure you research what you’re buying), adding house plants to your shelves is not only a trend, it’s a no-brainer.

Choose a range of different types of plants to create different textures and effects on your shelves. Intersperse a few which hang down, with others with more firm, upright stalks. Go for ones with different shades of green to create a really varied display. When it comes to pot covers, a neutral-coloured rattan completes the natural look or, if you want to go for something more modern, try grey or black rattan.


Check out our range of shelves…

If we have inspired you to decorate your shelves for autumn, we would love to see your pictures. Send them to us at or tag us on instagram using @traditionalbeams.

Thinking of buying more? Check out our range of shelves here.

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